Joe Balcom

Artist and home:
Joseph E. Balcom is married to Audrey Balcom, and grandmother of two, and one great-grand son. Currently lives in Nictaux South, Middleton, Nova Scotia.
Background and Occupation:
Worked for many years in the moving industry. Traveled all over the country.
Artist Inspiration and Influence:
Was always interested in sketching from when I was young. Just liked creating things with my hands. In my travels I would go by Maud Lewis’ home on a regular bases. Guess it got to me thinking. In hind site, I wish I would of dropping in.
Art method and techniques:
To the point where, some people think I go to great detail.
Artistic Recognition:
When I was young, I was visited by a Scout from the well known Art Talent Mail-in Contest. I also have a piece of work in a Gallery in Italy.