Faron Young

Artist and home:
I have become recognized through selling my at the NS Folk Art Show.
Background and Occupation:
Heavy Equipment Operator, Iron Ore Co. of Canada, Aero-engine technician Royal Canadian Air Force.
Artist Inspiration and Influence:
Family influences (grandfathers both involved in woodworking). Relaxing hobby. Chance to meet people from all walks of life, be able to help others through workshops.
Art Methods & Techniques:
Used to be an avid curler. Had an injury – to pass time I took up woodcarving. Met lots of people who admired my work and encouraged me to continue with my carving.
Started with decoys and songbirds, then progressed to folk art and fell in love with it. Now almost exclusively deal with folk art.
Artistic Recognition:
Newspaper articles, Saltscapes Magazine article and cover pictures.