Hika Wagner

Artist and home:
Hika Wagner, Weymouth, Nova Scotia
Background and Occupation:
Day care worker, Dog walker, gardener, animal shelter worker, mink pelt co-op factory worker.
Artist Inspiration and Influence:
I could always draw and always liked drawing. When I was 14 I started painting. It is something I like to do. One day went for a walk and saw a rabbit. I decided to paint the rabbit on a piece of driftwood. After that I started painting on wood all the time.
Art Methods & Techniques:
When I started painting I used oils now I use acrylic. I used to draw on the driftwood now I paint on it. When I started painting I only painted on canvas. Now most of my paintings are on wood.
Artistic Recognition:
People tell me my paintings make them happy.
Online: www.facebook.com/hikas.folkart